All the Things, All the People, All the While…

All the things are happening behind the scenes at SRPR to get the company back up and running. That includes the relaunch of this website, designing new materials with the expert guidance of Linda Secondari, outreach, coffees, and conversations with all the people, writing blog posts, and generally putting things back together.

In the next few weeks, I’ll be attending BookExpo and AUP, teaching a class for Publishers Weekly on Book Tours on June 6th, and all the while helping OUP with the transition process as I depart and they hire a new person in my place. Suffice it to say, it’s been a busy Spring!

If you have landed here on my newly updated website, I will first thank you for stopping by! And second, ask you to come back soon as I will be posting regularly about all types of things that impact publishers and authors in the promotional sphere. That will include the legal side of marketing and PR, developing effective how-to guides for staff and authors, SEO for authors and what you, as an author need to know about SEO and your book, and much more.

I will be launching a newsletter soon, please sign-up to receive it, and a podcast in the next few months featuring authors, publishing people, and those working across social media and marketing in various industries. All of this is to say, I hope this will become an educational hub for authors, publishing people, and those who enjoy learning more about marketing, branding, and public relations.

I look forward to connecting with you soon!